Sunday, June 18, 2017

Field Day

Hi! It's Aslynn again and I'm going to tell you guys out there about my Field Day at O. C. Taylor! My dad was in Pittsburgh and he told me to win a dash race and I won 1st place! I got 3 1st place ribbons. 
On a really far run where we had to start at a soccer goal and run around the field I slowed down to stay with Kinley (she's the one I'm standing next to at the top of the page) so we could both get 3rd place.  
On the tug-o-war event instead of tug-o-war we pulled a truck. My class did it in record time. In other words we did it the fastest. And the most funnest thing, well for me...SNACK!!! Got pop-corn and chips. Then we got to play at the play ground!! We got to do a jump rope contest and I did not do very well. Then I did a boosterthon obstacle course where had to run through pool noodles, do the limbo under ropes, run on little spots and the ground was lava, and run through hoola-hoops. then once that was over we watched the kindergarteners do it while we where eating snow cones from the cone ice truck. 
And the last thing I did was the hoola-hoop round up where we hd to roll a hoola-hoop across the cafeteria and if it landed on a number that's how many points your team gets. My team won! After that we went to get our last snack and then I went home. And thats all I have for today! Bye!!!


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